The Bane by
Keary Taylor
My rating:
4 of 5 starsRating is 3.5 stars
So this book is another end of the world story, lots of those coming out lately. It's pretty interesting how the world ended in this. ROBOTS.
When I first saw that Eve was the name of the girl and Eden was what they call the place I was expecting an Adam but there was only an Avian and a West.
Eve doesn't remember anything before the Evolution, just her name. she was found naked and bloody but without a single wound. She is faster and stronger then most people. She doesn't even need as much sleep and food as normal people. In other words she's pretty cool.
Avian is an ex-soldier. He always wanted to be a doctor. From the army he had medical training so he became the doctor of Eden.
West is a guy they found in the woods along with two other people. He knows Eve even before the Evolution. He knows things about her that she doesn't even know.
Out of the two guys I personally like West better because... I just do!:D
Overall this book is full of action and secrets that will keep you interested.:)
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